- Cuckoo Stud
Orpingtons '101'
- Orpington Club Membership
- Orpington Type and Main Colours
- Non APS colours - new and pre-existing but not approved Orpington colours
- Blue Cuckoo Colour Standard
- Lavender & Lav Cuckoo Colour Standard
- Buff Cuckoo Colour Standard
- Red Barred (Cuckoo) Colour Standard
- Chocolate Orpington colour Standard
- BREEDING SPLASH to carry the silver gene >
- Buff Orpington improving Type
- White Orpington improving Type
About us
- the Stud colours/breeds
- Breeding Cuckoo Orpingtons >
- Cuckoo and Black original lines
- Blue Cuckoo Orpington development
- Buff Cuckoo Orpington development
- Crele, Partridge and Gold Barred Buff Orpington development
- New Colours, acceptance of the colours
- Lavender and Lavender Cuckoo Orpingtons in the backyard
- the Chocolate Orpington >
- Cuckoo Double Bar and Single Bar factor
- the Blue Gene - theory of Mendel's Law
- Blue Cuckoo and Mendel's Law
- Developing multiple related lines
- Orpingtons - larrikin mateship = our first birds
- Our Cuckoo Silkies
- Show results
- Lavender & Lavender Cuckoo Orpington, bantam and large >
- Crele, Partridge Orpington
- Blue Cuckoo Orpington AORC, large >
- Buff Cuckoo Orpington, large >
- Cuckoo Orpington, bantam
- Black Orpington large
- Splash Orpington, large >
- Choc, Choc Cuckoo & Mauve Orpington large
- Choc Crele, Choc Partridge and Choc Birchen large size
- Black Orpington, bantam
- Gold Barred Buff Orpington
- Phoenix
- Silkie
- For Sale
- Contact us
- Acquiring and caring for your Orpingtons
- Feeding - what we feed our birds
- Heat waves, hot days, Summer and Liquefaction
- Artificial UV lighting
- Chook Saddles
- Fertility and my secret recipe
- Posted chickens - how to make them
- Embryonic developmental stages of a chick
- Mareks Disease
- Hatching larger std size birds
- Size = breeding down
- Brooder - recycled and effective
- Growth patterns and assessing birds
- Microchipping your birds
- Secure housing
- Lime - Hydrated and Garden (AG) Lime and their uses in the chook pen
- MOUSE/RAT TRAP chook friendly
- Appraisal pictures of your birds
- Showing - training your birds
- Coccidia Oocyst cycle and treating Coccidiosis with Baycox
- Lymphoid Leukosis – Avian (The Wasting Disease)
- Coryza Avibacterium Paragallinarum
- Crop problems in poultry
- Mosquito control
- Maremma - training a pup
- Fox Traps
- Snake Bite
All content in Show results is documented with relevant Clubs and/or Associations
(not all exhibition results are documented here)
no exhibiting 2018, 2019 due to family commitments
all Shows cancelled 2020/2021 due to Covid-19 Pandemic
due to the ongoing outbreaks of Avian Influenza the Stud has decided to abstain from exhibition until further notice
to protect the original bloodlines the Stud maintains
Orpington National Show 2017 Orpington National Show 2013
Judge Kim George Judges - Mr Colin Tiyce (std colours) - Mr Simon Beven (non std colours)
1st/Champion/Best Cuckoo of Show Bantam Cuckoo cockerel 1st/Champion/Best Cuckoo in Show & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo pullets
1st & 2nd Cuckoo Bantam hens 1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo cockerels
1st/Champion Lrg Crele cockerel
1st/Reserve Champion Lrg Crele pullet
2nd & 3rd Lrg Crele pullets
no Exhibiting in 2014, 2015, 2016 due to family commitments 1st/Champion & 2nd Lrg Buff Cuckoo cockerels
1st, 2nd & 3rd Lrg Buff Cuckoo pullets
1st/Champion Cuckoo Bantam hen
1st/Reserve Champion, 2nd & 3rd Cuckoo Bantam pullets
1st/Champion, 2nd/Reserve Champion, 3rd & Highly Commended Lavender Bantam pullets
1st/Champion, 2nd/Reserve Champion, 3rd & Highly commended Lavender Cuckoo Bantam cockerels
Royal National Canberra Agricultural Society Olympic Poultry Show 2012 Northern Orpington Feature Show 2012
Large fowl Judge - G Findlay - Bantam fowl Judge - K Bergin Large & Bantam fowl Judge - P Nordstrom - Bantam AORC Judge G Wailes
1st Lrg Cuckoo cock-bird /Reserve Champion Major Awards Judge - P Nordstrom
1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo hens 1st/Champion Black Bantam and Champion Bantam of Show pullet
2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo pullets 1st Lrg Cuckoo cock-bird
1st Lrg Buff cock-bird 1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo hens
1st AORC Lrg Crele cock-bird 1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo pullets
1st AORC Lrg Blue Cuckoo pullet 1st AORC Lrg Partridge cockerel - gifted to a NSW breeder after Show
1st/Champion & 2nd Cuckoo Bantam cockerels 1st/Champion Cuckoo Bantam cockerel (same bird as at RNCPS)
1st/Reserve Champion & 2nd Cuckoo Bantam pullets 1st & 2nd Cuckoo Bantam cock-birds
(^ incorrectly listed as hens by RNCPS) 1st AORC Lavender Bantam cockerel
1st & 2nd Cuckoo Bantam cock-birds 1st AORC Lavender Bantam Cuckoo pullet
2nd Buff Bantam Cock-bird (no reserve awards at this show)
2nd (joint 2nd awarded) Buff Bantam cockerel
Southern Orpington Feature Show 2012 Victorian Rare & New Breeds Poultry Society Show 2012
Judge the Reverend James Bishop Judges - the Reverend James Bishop (lrg) - Mr H Russell (bantam)
1st/Champion Cuckoo Bantam cockerel 1st & 2nd AOC Lrg Buff Cuckoo cockerels
1st/Reserve Champion Cuckoo Bantam cock-bird 1st AOC Lrg Buff Cuckoo pullet
1st/Reserve Champion Lrg Cuckoo hen 1st Lrg Cuckoo cockerel
(^ her Nephew won Champion, bred and owned by Waninga Orpingtons) 1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo pullets
1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo pullets 1st White Bantam cock-bird
1st & 2nd Black Bantam hens 1st & 2nd White Bantam hens
2nd Black Bantam cockerel 1st White Bantam cockerel
1st/Special Award (best of colour) & 2nd White Bantam pullets
(only Special Awards & Best of Breed awarded at this Show)
Orpington National Show 2011 Victorian Rare & New Breed Poultry Society Show 2011
Judges, R Hunt & K George Judge. K Collins
1st/Reserve Champion & 2nd Lrg Crele hens (Blue & Gold) 1st Cuckoo Silkie pullet
1st/Champion/Best Lrg Developmental & 2nd Lrg Crele cockerels (Gold & Silver) 1st & 2nd Cuckoo Silkie cock-birds
1st/Reserve Champion Black Bantam pullet 1st & 2nd Lrg Orpington Crele cockerels (Gold and Silver)
1st Splash Bantam hen 1st & 2nd Lrg Orpington Crele hens (Blue and Gold)
1st/Champion & 2nd /Reserve Champion & 3rd Cuckoo Bantam cockerels 1st & 2nd Lrg Orpington Cuckoo pullets
1st & 2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo pullets 1st & 2nd Lrg Orpington Cuckoo cockerels
1st & 2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo hens ( only Best of Breeds awarded at this show)
1st/Reserve Champion & 2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo cockerels
1st/Champion & Champion Cuckoo of Show Lrg AORC Blue Cuckoo cock-bird -
(bred by Stud and gifted to Beven's Orpingtons)
Orpington National Show 2010
Judges. K Bergin, R Hunt
1st & 2nd Lrg Crele hens (Blue and Gold)
1st & 2nd Lrg Crele cockerels (Gold and SIlver)
1st/Reserve Champion Lrg Crele & 2nd Lrg Crele pullets (Blue and Gold)
1st/Champion Lrg Crele & 2nd cock-birds (Gold) Victorian Rare & New Breeds Society Show 2009
2nd Lrg Splash hen Judge Mr K Nordstrom
1st Lrg Splash cock-bird 1st Lrg Cuckoo pullet
2nd Lrg Buff hen 2nd Lrg Cuckoo cockerel
3rd Lrg White pullet 1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo cock-birds
2nd & 3rd Lrg White cockerels 1st Lrg Gold Partridge pullet
1st Lrg White cock-bird 1st Lrg Gold Partridge cockerel
1st & 2nd Lrg AORC Blue Cuckoo pullets (3rd was gifted to Waninga Orpingtons)
3rd Lrg AORC Blue Cuckoo hen (1st & 2nd gifted to Waninga Orpingtons)
2nd Lrg AORC Blue Cuckoo cockerel (1st gifted to Waninga Orpingtons)
1st & 2nd Lrg AORC Slate Cuckoo cock-birds
1st & 2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo pullets
1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo hens
1st/Champion Lrg AORC Blue Cuckoo & Best Overall Cuckoo (gifted to Beven's Orpingtons )
2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo cockerels
1st /Reserve Champion & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo cock-birds
1st /Champion Cuckoo Bantam pullet
Orpington Southern Feature 2009 Orpington Northern Feature 2009
Judge. D Lyne Judge. B Boardman
1st/Champion Lrg Cuckoo & 2nd pullets 1st/Reserve Champion Lrg Cuckoo & 2nd Pullets
1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo hens 1st/Champion Lrg Cuckoo & 2nd & 3rd cock-birds
1st/Reserve Champion Lrg Cuckoo & 2nd & 3rd Cock-birds 1st Cuckoo Lrg cockerel
2nd Lrg Blue hen 3rd Lrg White pullet
2nd Lrg Splash hen 2nd Lrg Blue hen
2nd Lrg Splash hen 1st Lrg Blue pullet
1st/Champion AORC Lrg Splash pullet
Royal National Canberra Agricultural Society Olympic Poultry Show 2008 Orpington National Show 2007
Judge Mrs Nordstrom Judge Mr G Findlay
f2nd & 3rd Lrg Cuckoo pullets 1st/Reserve Champion & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo pullets
1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo hens 1st/Champion Lrg Cuckoo cockerel
1st & 2nd Lrg Cuckoo cockerels 1st/Reserve Champion Exhibit Lrg AORC Blue Cuckoo cockerel
1st/Champion Lrg Cuckoo & 2nd cock-birds 1st/Champion Jnr Exhibit Lrg Blue pullet